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California vehicle code 4461 Form: What You Should Know

Please note this post was submitted in response to a number of people who had written to us complaining about the “Unlawful use of a Disability Placard law”. It should not be considered official word, just an attempt to give you a quick summary of a topic for you to check out when deciding if you want to use a disability placarding placard in the future. (c) A person who fraudulently uses or is knowingly in possession of a certificate of ownership, registration card, license plate, special plate, validation tab, or permit issued to him or her who is not disabled shall be punished by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding six months or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars (1,000), by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment. California Vehicle Code §4601: Fraudulent Use or Possession of a Disability Placard This article was revised April 2015, to reflect the following new information: The law was amended in September 2025 to include a definition of “disability”, to clarify the intent of the law to only include placards that are “valid for disabled persons”, to clarify that the law should only cover placards held by the holder and cannot be falsely used by others or used in violation of the law, and to provide a way to notify those with disabilities that they are not allowed to use or own a placard, through the submission of an official document to the DMV. No information is available for this page. California Vehicle Code Section 4606 VC: Violation of Vehicle Codes Lending a license plate, any temporary permit, or any other placard issued to that person with the intention of concealing the licensee's identity or the person's source of income by concealing that licensee's identity or the source of income. · In addition, a person who unlawfully lends a placard shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars (10,000) or by imprisonment in the state prison for three, six, or nine months, or by both that fine and imprisonment.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing California vehicle code 4461

Instructions and Help about California vehicle code 4461

We all know that the California DMV issues disability placards to people who have a handicap so that they can park in certain designated handicap spaces under California Vehicle Code section 4 461. It's actually a crime to misuse one of these handicapped placards, and if you get caught doing that and are convicted, you could go to jail. Now, we tend to see these sorts of prosecutions arise in two types of situations. One is when you've been rightfully issued a handicap placard but you lend it to somebody or you sell it to somebody or you give it to somebody else to use who wasn't issued it. The other situation is when you use a handicap placard that has not been properly issued to you, and that includes a situation where you borrow somebody's car. For example, maybe your mother has a disability and has been issued a handicap placard, and you borrow her car to go run errands for the afternoon and you park in a handicapped space. In that situation, you could be charged with a misdemeanor because you're using a placard that was not properly issued to you. On the other hand, if you're actively transporting a person who's been issued a placard, then that's okay. So let's take the same example where you borrow your mother's car, but let's say instead of running your errands, you're driving your mom around town to run her errands, and let's say you park in a handicapped space so your mom can walk in the store and get what she wants and come back. In that situation, even though you haven't been issued the placard specifically, it's still okay because you're actively transporting the person to whom it was issued. If you're convicted of the crime of misusing...