New at five o'clock, cracking down on those who misuse handicapped placards. KPIX 5's reporter, Kiddo, wrote about the DMV's sting operation to catch offenders in the act. DMV cops, who have heard it all, are about to get another earful. We followed along with undercover officers as they looked for handicap parking violators at San Jose State. It didn't take long to catch a student named Mike using his dad's temporary handicap permit to go to class. He will be charged with improper use, a misdemeanor that carries a fine of $250 to $1,000. At least Mike owned up to it, saying he didn't know his dad had to be present at the time. It was his first offense, so he expressed remorse. "I'm sorry, they're not bad people, they've just made a mistake. They've used someone else's property to get a benefit," he said. This week, the state released an audit criticizing the DMV for failing to weed out forged doctors' signatures and not canceling permits of likely deceased individuals. However, the agency claims that today's ride-along was just a coincidence, as they frequently conduct such operations throughout the year to ensure that handicap parking spaces are open for those who need them. In the South Bay region, officers go out looking for violators about once a month. The number of operations statewide has been trending up over the past three years due to the rising misuse of placards. Bad news struck for a woman caught using her dad's permit, who admitted to officers that she uses it herself and sometimes transports her sick mom. Despite the circumstances, she received a citation. "It's a lot going on in my life right now, it can be worsened, please," she said. With 2.4 million placards issued in California, it becomes tempting and easy...
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What is the punishment for using a handicap Placard? Form: What You Should Know
Penal Code 422.5 VC: Falsified Disability Placard Falsified disability placard is a misdemeanor offense that can result in a maximum sentence of a year in jail and maximum fine of 1,000.6 It is also a felony offense punishable by three to 10 years in jail...or much more serious charges and fines. Penal Code 422.5 VC: Fraudulent Use of Deaf-Blind Disability Placards Fraudulent use of disabled person placards, or disabled person placard fraud as defined in Penal Code 422.
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